• Poway: 15525 Pomerado Road Suite E6, Poway CA 92064
  • Chula Vista: 272 Church Ave #1 Chula Vista, CA 91910
  • (858) 312-1717

Medicenter Clinic

Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management.

— Josh Billings
  • Poway: 15525 Pomerado Road Suite E6, Poway CA 92064

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  • In Case of Emergency Call (858) 312-1717

    Please remember we care about your privacy.


Joint and Soft tissues injections: Ultrasound Guided

Cortisone injections as one of the most effective ways to treat swollen painful joints. Cortisone has been used to successfully treat arthritis in various joints with very minimal side effects.

Joint Fluid injections or Lubricating injections; We also administer Euflexxa, Supartz and Synvisc injections as a joint lubricant to treat osteoarthritis.

Homeopathic Injections: We also administer Homeopathic injections Traumeel and Zeel into the joints for pain relief and increase ROM . Also helpful as trigger point injections to relieve pain and stiffness in the upper and low back regions.

PRP and Stem Cell Injections

  • Transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) – cell division and stem cell attraction
  • Connective tissue growth factor: Wound healing
  • Insulin-like growth factor I & II (ILGF)
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor: Organ regeneration
  • Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
  • Interleukin 8
  • Fibroblast growth factor: Wound healing
  • Keratinocyte growth factor: Wound healing

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and Stem Cell Injections

The popularity of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments for arthritis has grown significantly as patients recognize the long-term benefits of this procedure. PRP therapy complements other injectable treatments, such as cortisone injections and Traumeel, and can be easily administered in a clinical setting.

PRP therapies involve separating a patient’s blood through various harvesting techniques to extract a concentration of autologous platelets (2.5x – 9.0x). When activated, these platelets release adhesive glycoproteins (fibrin, fibronectin, and vitronectin) and growth factors, forming a fibrin mesh under the tissue. The growth factors and cytokines released during this process include:

Platelet Rich Plasma releases healing proteins to boost the body natural healing process.

Once these proteins and growth factors bind to the cellular receptors of synovial joint cartilage skin tissue or tissue (fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and osteoblasts) at the injection point, they activate a variety of intercellular events which help mediate:

Regeneration occurs within the tissues and fibrils, with growth and tissue repair continuing for up to five weeks after the injections. The result is the promotion of local tissue growth and repair of damaged tissue, offering a permanent solution to joint pain. Unlike synthetic solutions, PRP is natural and reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

  • Angiogenesis
  • Migration of stem cells to the injection area
  • New Cell proliferation
  • Production of extracellular matrix proteins

What are the Pros and Cons of PRP ?

  • Autologous nature: PRP comes from the patient’s body, making it natural with few risks.
  • Effective for mild to moderate osteoarthritis, especially when combined with nonsurgical treatments like physical therapy, weight loss, bracing, and NSAIDs.
  • PRP is not a cure-all and is most effective when used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Regeneration occurs within the tissues and fibrils, with growth and tissue repair continuing for up to five weeks after the injections. The result is the promotion of local tissue growth and repair of damaged tissue, offering a permanent solution to joint pain. Unlike synthetic solutions, PRP is natural and reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

What are the Pros and Cons of PRP ?

Clinical Study Insights:

A 2013 study involving 78 patients with osteoarthritis in both knees found:

  • Knees treated with one or two PRP injections saw a reduction in pain and stiffness and improved function at 6 weeks and 3 months.
  • Positive results declined at the 6-month mark but remained better than before treatment.
  • The placebo group experienced a small increase in pain and stiffness and a decrease in knee function.

The PRP used in this study had three times the platelet concentration of normal blood and was filtered to remove white blood cells.

At Arthritis Care and Research Center, our injection therapies are tailored to each patient’s needs, providing targeted pain relief and enhancing joint function. Whether dealing with arthritis, tendonitis, or other joint conditions, our advanced injection treatments can help you achieve better mobility and a higher quality of life.

No Appointment Needed

Patients do not have to plan out when they come in. Simply walk in and you’ll seen.

Licensed Professionals

Urgent care physicians and nurses offer high-quality care. They are licensed and recognized.

Cost Effective

The cost charged at an immediate care clinic is generally less than a cost charged at a hospital ER.

Please call (858) 312-1717

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